import http.server from oauthlib.oauth2 import WebApplicationClient import webbrowser import re import subprocess import ast token_file = open(".oauthtoken", "r") oauth_token = token_file.readline() def oauth_api_curl(url): command = ["curl", "-sH", "Authorization: Bearer {}".format(oauth_token), ""] result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Get the output and error message (if any) output = result.stdout output_dict = ast.literal_eval(output) error = result.stderr characters = output_dict['wow_accounts'][0]['characters'] char_dicts = [] # Check if it was successful if result.returncode == 0: print("Success:") for char in characters: # TODO: API call for char['protected_character'] url via curl for more info char_dict = {'id': char['id'], 'name': char['name'], 'level': char['level'], 'realm': char['realm']['name'], 'class': char['playable_class']['name']} char_dicts.append(char_dict) print(char_dict) print(char) else: print("Error:") print(error)